Operational Excellence (OpEx)

can be achieved  through

Predictive Quality Management


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Quality Management... Reimagined

Predictive Quality Management (PQM) is a strategic framework, providing a structured approach to reimagine and/or refresh your existing business processes, implement, and manage the ‘quality’ of those business processes that support and enable the capability to fulfill the mission of the Enterprise.


Quality Management System


Quality System


Quality System Measurement


Quality Management


Responsible Management must ensure that essential capabilities are defined and described within standard work process, to enable the creation of the results that are required to fulfill the Enterprise Mission.


Responsible Management must ensure that skilled, trained and competent people are deployed in adequate numbers to execute business work processes to achieve the required results.

People + Process = Results


The capability for systemic measurement is essential for understanding and management control.

Datasets are captured, curated, organized, and transformed, through enabling technology, to provide the insight for management decisions.


Systemic constraints must be addressed as a priority because they are what define the limits of your success.

Constraints must be acknowledged and managed to ensure the Mission of Enterprise is realized, and to enable a future Vision to become a possibility as a result of management control. 

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