Operational 'quality' Management

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Let’s Combinate for Operational ‘quality’ Management

Through his Combinate podcast series, Subhi Saadeh explores the ideas and concepts, brought forth by the experts of the past in conjunction with modern day voices, to yield significant insights for modern innovation.

“Innovation is not solely in the commercialization of new ideas, but rather the combination of existing ideas… Let’s combinate!”  – Subhi Saadeh

Efficiently Effective

Every business is unique, yet still bound by the forces that make each business profitable:

Effective Processes: A company, any company, only succeeds when it defines and develops the capability (or capabilities) that is necessary to be successful. This occurs through the intentional act of formally defining the work that must be done to create and deliver the product(s) and/or service(s) that are required satisfy market demand, necessary to generate sales revenue.

Efficient Execution: Skilled, trained, and competent people must execute that work in a manner that is efficient in creating those product(s) and/or service(s) on behalf of the business.

Effective Management: The capability of verifying that operational requirements are met, and operational objectives are consistently achieved.

Efficient Management: The capability of managing the continual improvement of operational constraint that inhibits the performance and/or scalability of the business.

Operational Technology

First… Traditional QMS technology isn’t capable of servicing the entirety of your operations. 

A new generation of QMS technology has now emerged that will soon replace all of the preprogramed and minimally-configurable eQMS software. That isn’t at all surprising. Technology can change rapidly when advances are made that absolutely obsolete the older technology, sometimes because new capabilities are introduced that don’t just do something better, but that they altogether do things differently, and in ways the old technology just cannot.

For example: does your outdated QMS technology manage ALL your business processes, or just those some software company created and designated as “Quality” (look-up) processes? Do those “Quality” processes improve the ‘quality’ of the whole business or are they primarily focused on aspects of compliance?

Modern QMS technology enables an operational management capability that ‘yields’ a level of operational ‘quality’ that your stakeholders expect of you, and believe you are striving for. Such a state of operational excellence (OpEx) will provide the capability and capacity that your business needs to sustain itself.

OpEx can be made predictable with an innovative approach to establish and sustain the capability for operational ‘quality’ management. This provides for the capacity to grow and sustain the business operations (BizOps) and manufacturing operations (MfgOps) that are required to create and deliver the products and/or services that are in demand by the market as a result of revenue generation (RevOps) initiatives.

Operational performance management ensures that demand generation efforts (RevOps) are aligned with the capability of the business to manage the capacity to create and deliver the products and/or services that are marketed. (BizOps & MfgOps).

All too often, when we hear the word ‘technology’, we think first of things like computers, software, and electronics. Things like that. However, the word ‘technology’ also encompasses business process methods and systems associated with their execution. It is a word that can be used to describe standard operating procedures, instructions, guides, and even the training techniques that provide the step-by-step methods that capture the organizational knowledge that goes in making things.

Technology is defined as the practical application of conceptual knowledge and technical solutions that can be applied for achieving practical objectives, in a reproducible way, within controlled boundaries of variation. When defined in this way, technology can holistically be additionally be considered as the establishment, execution, and management of the capability of a business to create and satisfy market demand for the products and/or services they offer.

It is imperative that we apply modern technological solutions to optimally succeed in establishing, executing, and managing our business operations capabilities.

Considering Modern Technology

There are many reasons to consider a modern and holistic approach to business operations ‘quality’ management, some of which are provided for your consideration, as follows:

  • A modern operational Quality ‘quality’ management framework can enable ALL of your business processes to be strategically managed, as one system, for unified business operations. There are no such things as ‘Quality processes’, only business process that are managed for a ‘quality’ Every business leader should ensure their business processes are systemically established and managed for a ‘quality’ outcome.
  • No-code eQMS software technology solution allows you to customize or build new apps, workflows, and reports with drag-and-drop, point-and-click technology. No programming skillsets and/or IT personnel are required. There now exists complete flexibility to create the operational Quality ‘quality’ management system capability that your business operations have been missing.
  • It is now possible to adopt preconfigured baseline or ‘secondary support’ business process workflows (Document Management and Control, CAPA, etc.) that have always been traditionally developed to support those ‘primary’ and ‘core’ business operations that are unique to your business. The difference, however, is that these baseline business processes can additionally and readily be further modified and better adapted for your specific business needs, to make your system work best for your internal stakeholders.
  • Worldwide, Federal and State regulatory requirements can be fully integrated into the associated and applicable business processes, any operational business process, with industry-specific and customizable solutions.
  • It is now possible to fully integrate industry applicable standards, such as the ISO standards, into the relevant and/or applicable operational business processes with industry-specific customizable eQMS solution-sets.
  • An integrated communications function, not based upon but inclusive of email, brings people, processes, and data into one collaborative platform that looks and feels like a simple chat application. All roles, even external roles, seamlessly communicate about the work being done within the business process itself.
  • Audits and inspections can be streamlined to reduce the audit and/or inspection cycle time. This better ensures that compliance with regulatory requirements that are maintained with the highest standards of ‘quality’. Audit time can also be reduced, so you can focus on the other more important aspects of your business, such as profitability.
  • Responsible operational management is enabled for:

QMS = Quality Management System: A QMS is simply the defined business process content and the infrastructure (eQMS) to manage that content. Nothing more.

QS = Quality System: A QS = QMS + people. Nothing happens without skilled, trained, and competent people who are deployed in numbers that are adequate to satisfy the volume of work defined for each operational business process.

  • True management control over business operations is enabled for:

QSM = Quality System Management: 

Once established, a Quality System must be professionally measured and managed, to verify and ensure the results that matter to the business are obtained for each business process within the operational system, and to identify systemic operational constraint. A data & analytics strategy can be deployed in conjunction with the technology that facilitates the level of reporting and review necessary to manage each individual business process. Additionally, due to the strategic design of measures, these individual results can be aggregated to achieve a systemic level of understanding for the identification and management of operational constraint. This is, by far, the most difficult operational management challenge that businesses face today.

QM = Quality Management: Quality Management is the planful, ongoing and continual improvement of the systemic operational constraint. This is the only way to ensure growth through operational capability and capacity.

  • A constant state of audit readiness is achieved, resultant from the execution of business operations that were established to be compliant, effective, and efficient in operational execution and outcome.
  • A culture of ‘quality’ will take hold, by simply running the business in a compliant, effective, and efficient manner.
  • A constant state of continual improvement will ensue, by targeting systemic constraint that ensures the business remains viable in regard to building upon the capability and creating new capacity for the sustained growth of the business.
  • A constant state of operational excellence (OpEx) is achieved as a result of combining strategic design with modern cutting-edge technology to execute and manage the ‘quality’ of business operations.